Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Old Home PLace
I received a picture from Michigan from my sister which showed all that was left of the farm we grew up on. I was sad but decided to paint it. As I worked on the painting my mood changed because it brought back many many good memories. The barn is full of holes, sagging a bit but then that happens even to people, so I will enjoy this and may put it on Christmas cards for my family. Enjoy!!!
I also issued a challenge to the WWAO group to paint their home place. It has been accepted.
Update: I woke up at 2:30 this morning and knew I had forgotten something on my painting. I was right I forgot to high light trees, so I then did it. I decided to name it "Faded Memories".
Thursday, October 16, 2008
New Look for home
I just completed a major project. I painted my home from one end to the other and top to bottom.. Took me a month and a bout with over doing it as well... I am happy with the results.. It went from 20 years of a dirty beige to all things bright and beautiful..The yellow is breakfast nook and kitchen and the green is living room and orange is dining room.. OK so I went drastic but I like it and I'm the one looking at it daily... Enjoy my labor of love!!!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
WWAO September Showcase
The WWAO ---Worldwide Women Artists Online is ready as of September 1, 2008... Many fine artists may be seen and originals may also be purchased from these fine artists from around the world...The link is:
I hope you will enjoy these works of art.. I believe you may leave comments, I know in the past the hostess allows comments...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Did I say Auction???? How about a fire sale!!!
Well here I sit trying to figure out what happened and why... Approximately 10:00 I decided to take a quick peanut butter sandwich break from all the sorting and cleaning for the items that are to be in the auction. After eating the sandwich I felt the need to speak to my son in Michigan.... I couldn't reach him and found out today that my first great grand son had been hit exremely hard in the head with a base ball bat... I had tried to reach a couple of other people as well and then started out the back door to continue on with my sorting of the tools. I had picked up the phone to see what time the auction people were to arrive and as I looked at the garage I seen what looked like a pillar of fire from the floor to the roof of my wood working shop. As I ran toward the garage dialing 911, I was headed for the water hose at the garage door, when the fire seemed to disburse in all directions at once.... I changed my progress direction and as I was giving my information to 911 operator I broke into a full run to the fire station next door... The phone had a funny sound and I couldn't hear the operator any more... I found out later that the phone line in the garage had been burned and my phone was left in an open state...The firemen were out on another call and headed back in as I heard paint cans exploding.. Two paramedics were headed out to my place and backed up to get out of the way and get the rest of the information and let 911 know I was O.K....
Two and a half hours later all I could see was a complete disaster staring at me from my garage.... Everything lay blackened and in gobs of melted masses of plastic and chared wood.. The tears flowing down my cheeks were hot as the raging infurno had been earlier... My hopes and dreams were lying in rubble...
This was on Wednesday, by Thurseday I was going through the motions in a dazed state trying to contact the right people and figure out what to do next... The phone company took a whole day to get out there and get my phone working... Then the sissy man was afraid to go under the house for fear he might run into a cobweb.. I told him there was more of a chance to get cobwebs in the main house than under it.. Now a snake would have been my fear.. The fire chief came and took pictures and went through the whole mess and it indeed was the fan.. For some reason which we can't figure out, the cord over heated and caused this horrible disaster...
This morning crews arrived and everything started to fall in place.. By this evening I had a much more possitive out look and many of the tools were still intact... Plus two chaplains and a grief counselor had talked with me, the insurance company arrived and the auction will go on.. Minus many tools but with many that were under the clutter of the burnt building..
I shall continue forward, maybe at a large loss but I will survive for I could have been in the building when things started to explode.. I have my life and I will live..I also hope my dream for my art gallery will also live...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
About Auctions in response to comment!!
I have been asked to expand on my auction. Here goes.
I found myself in a position where there were funeral and headstone to pay along with many bills from doctors and hospitals. As I sat in my Doctors office the words of my late husband kept running through my brain. No we better save this or no you will need these things later on.
I went home and got out the phone book and carefully assessed the different auction and antique dealers in my area. I made the call and left my name and phone number. Shortly my call was answered and an appointment was made to come assess what my position and theirs and would we be able to work my situation out. We agreed and started going through many antiques that I would be willing to part with. Things moved slow and a lot of red tape had to be cut. Then one morning I awakened very early and as I sat sipping my coffee a plan formed. I knew I wanted my art gallery and the garage was the only logical space. That was filled to the rim with tools of every shape and size imaginable. I called early and spoke to the antique dealer and asked what would happen if we tried to have the auction right here rather than carry them all over the state to different auctions. They had been speaking of the same idea that morning as well.
They went ahead and in about two weeks we had permission from the county to have the auction here.
Now the fun part, we will start Monday sorting and preparing tables in the garage and all other aspects of the auction are in place. They are handling every thing: signs, advertising, auctioneer, permits and parking. This will be at a cost of 25% goes to them and 75% goes to me. I do know that many places charge as high as 35% for doing an auction.
The hard part is the memories, you will have to put them safely away in your heart.
Posted by
5:19 PM
Labels: advertising, antiques, auction, hearts, memories, permits, tools
I received word that the county has OK'ed the auction and is to be held here on September 13, 2008. I will be so busy now and will be praying for a great turn out. This will hopefully help will the art gallery, which is my dream, to become a reality.
I have butterflies with lead booties doing a dance in my tummy.
Anyone that happens to be in north east North Carolina that day, please bring money, LOL
If you are wondering Why I have chosen this picture, it is very simple explanation. That is the highest peak for hurricane season here on the Outer Banks of NC. This is my photograph of "Calm Before the Storm" which I took before a hurricane came in later that day.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Morning at beach
Went to the beach today, first time in five years. After wading for some time, trying to keep clothes dry, I made the mistake of turning my back to the ocean. Sure enough a rather large wave slipped up behind me and knocked me on my back, then in an attempt to right myself, I was hit again and went head long into the foaming water and sand. By this time my friend laughing and saying she wished she had a camera.
I had a few things on my mind to clear, and I do believe I accomplished that with one quick wave. Did it help? Yes, but the pain will always be with me. Of course there is nothing like a free pedicure compliments of mother nature to make a lady feel better.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Are you hungry? quick fix
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
a small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug
Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour
in the milk and oil and mix well. Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla
extract, and mix again.
Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts. The cake
will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed! Allow to cool a little,
and tip out onto a plate if desired. EAT!
This can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous. And why is
this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world? Because now we are all only
5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Poem by: Sylvia Outlaw Friendship Friendship is like a garden With different flowers everywhere; Some are your very favorite’s And you treat them all with care. Others may drift by the wayside They soon whither and fade away; But some will continue to blossom In true friendship day after day. And I pray in my life’s garden I’ve planted friendship to keep; That I have sowed some kindness And I’ve planted it good and deep. And as I count my blessings And my flowers one by one I see your face among them Moving in the morning sun. God’s helped me with my garden He’s been there my whole life through; And he gave me the greatest gift When He gave me friends like you | ||||
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Posted by
3:38 PM
Monday, July 7, 2008
Just a thought
It is so hot and dry here in Northeast North Carolina...How hot and dry is it???
It is so hot and dry here that even Hurricane Bertha won't come near.....
Posted by
7:52 PM
Labels: hot. dry, hurricane, North carolina, northeast
Saturday, June 28, 2008
WOW I am humbled to tears
Yesterday I stated that I had wrote a poem and then today I received a message saying I had been immortalized in a riddle. I went to check it out and this is the link to the page. I hope you all find it interesting.
I hope you will check it out. and yes I did cry!!!
Posted by
7:51 PM
Labels: beloved, immortalized, link, outlaw, poem, riddle, wrote
Friday, June 27, 2008
Decided to get teary eyed today and have posted a poem on Helium today...You will be able to click on it and read it in my Helium widget to the right of this post...Enjoy..
Posted by
4:31 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Only portrait
I came across the only portrait ever done of my husband and also realized it was the only portrait that I also had ever done.. It is a very good likeness and he was pleased with it.. Maybe I better stop while I am ahead, and go back to the wicked stick men..I'm great at those..LOL
I have been busy going through antiques and tools in the garage so that my dream of an art gallery can become a reality.. Tons to go through, I just hope they don't accidentally tag me..
I have let mother nature take care of the watering of my flowers, and she did a good job last night. So good to hear the rain falling, makes for good sleeping..
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
What was that??
At 3:27 AM, I was startled from my sleep by a tremendous boom. Then I saw lightening and another roar. I later found out that a tornado had touch down here in Grandy and was headed for the Currituck Beach Lighthouse across the sound about 5 miles as the crow flies. Oh well, so much for a full nights sleep.
I'm just glad it was over quick and without any damage. I just received pictures from what hit my home area of Michigan last night so it was a little unnerving to say the least. Oh yes, of coarse Omaha, NE. as well..My knees are beginning to get flat spots from all the praying..
Good news, my "Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate" flowers have reached the eves of my patio. I am so proud of my flowers this year. But camera has let me down. I now have to replace the card. It wasn't the batteries at all.
Shall I continue.
A bouquet of roses appeared on my porch with a card from my husband. If you've read my blog or know me you know that hasn't been possible since he died in December. Then one week later, Belgium chocolate hand dipped strawberries and huge cookies arrive. Same message. So after calling my Dr. he sent the paramedics over to get my vitals. I finally over came this mess by laughing and saying, "Hubby would have went to my flower garden, picked me a bouquet and put them in what ever vase was handy, not a Waterford Crystal vase". No way can you use a credit card from heaven.. I guess it helps to have a sense of humor every now and again.
Let's see now, I really should find something else to do but can't work outside because our temperatures have been so hot. Yesterday 100 degrees in the shade. This is not normal. It has cooled a little today because of the rain, or whatever went through this morning. I think I will read for a while, but I will probably get into trouble doing that, it seems of late I can manage without ever leaving the house. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Super-seven Meme-just for fun
nickersandink has tagged me for a meme. this is my first tag and looks like fun.
I have tagged five others listed below.
Instructions for the Super - Seven Meme:
Answer seven questions about yourself
posting their responses on their own blog.
you may answer anyway you like.
Post five more with their blog as I did below.
Post and visit blogs..
Enjoy and have fun!!
But how on earth do you follow Nickers and Ink??
Super - Seven Meme
1. Ten years ago May 1998
I was planning a large art and craft show, looking forward to making plenty O' Money.
2. Five things on today's TODO list.
1. mowed lawn
2. edged flower beds
3. Delayed lunch
4. washed bedding-Shook feather bed
5. made bed- should sleep great tonight.
3. Things I would do if I were a billionaire.
I'd make a lot of people happy campers. That would last for a while so you know how that goes, no one would be satisfied.
4. Three bad habits,
1. Collecting too much of everything.
2. Drinking too much coffee
3. Neglecting house work
Five places I've lived
North Carolina
6. Five jobs I've had
computer operator
7. Five people I'm Tagging for Meme.
This is optional
Linda at:
Ruth at:
Jan at:
Sujati at
Michelle at:
Just have fun everyone and enjoy!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Princess Garden
This is my new area for mostly my Japanese Red Maples and other smaller bushes that hopefully will grow to be much larger. In the little waterfall fixture that doesn't work any more I discovered a tiny spring frog in the fixture. Just as I finished the new garden I heard her start to sing. I got a tear then and named it "Princess Garden". It really sets the back yard off and shows up so beautiful as you drive up the driveway.
I can hardly wait for it to develope and will probably spend a lot of time making sure all is OK. I seen a couple other spring frogs in the pump house the other day, so I just may have to catch them and put them in the new garden. And they all lived happily ever after. LOL
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I'm keeping my promise
As I promised; here is the picture of my "Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate" and my Orchid Lilies gone wild. It is only mid-May and usually they are only about six to twelve inches tall but this year they are already over three feet tall. I would dare wager that they will go past the eves at this rate. Any Takers?
Last year one of the blooms on the orchid lily was almost twelve inches across. Also if you go back to my post "Spring has sprung" you will see the same spot only with my Easter flowers just blooming. A very drastic change wouldn't you say. Ahhhh my mommy and grandma would be so proud...
While I am thinking about it; Mother's Day we had a tornado touch down less than four miles for me. The reason I say we is because my son, on the phone from Michigan talked me through the radar because I couldn't get anything on TV. All Hail and lightening broke loose and we hung up and I went to my safe spot. It may have been the scariest Mother's Day but I feel it was pretty sweet too.
Posted by
5:56 PM
Labels: blooms, flowers, hail, kissmeoverthegardengate, orchidlily, promise, son, spring, tornado
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's day
For all the mothers I am wishing
That hubby did not choose to go fishing.
for this is our day
and home he will stay.
Or no meal on his plate will we be dishing!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Just happy
My flowers are growing like there is no tomorrow and looking so healthy. My first rose is now in bloom and the "Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate" and Orchid Lilies are doing spectacular. the stalks are strong and heigth great. I think I stated before that there were so many plants this year. Someone up there loves me and is watching over and helping my flowers do so well. The weather is cooperating and we are having a few showers and also finally some heavy dew in the morning. One lady asked about my flowers and I just said, I talk to them and tell them they are going to be the prettiest flowers around. They respond by showing off their beauty for me. See,!!! what other tales can I tell today? Oh yes , the reason there is not a photo of my beauties is because I discovered the batteries are dead in my camera. I promise I will replace the batteries as soon as I can. I haven't seen any sign of my calla lily yet, remember "Can You See Me" from last year. I hope the moles that invaded this winter didn't get it. I would really rather not get hostile but might do so if I don't see the calla lily soon.
Posted by
8:32 PM
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Orphan Works Act
this has been sent to me regarding this unthinkable bill please read |
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
New WWAO links
In case you haven't scrolled down lately I would like to take this time to mention that their are many WWAO links down farther on this page. I hope you will take time to check them all out or grab a list for yourself.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Pretty quiet
My friend flew back to Michigan today and it is really quiet here tonight.
We are to get some more rain tomorrow and I am happy for that. My flowers have almost tripled in size since the rain last week. The grass is green and growing.
Posted by
8:43 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Catching up on rain
Another year younger and thoughts far away. I believe that is what you should do and I did.
Catching up on our rain here in NENC. My plants are loving ever moment of it. My kiss me over the garden gate are really growing and really multiplied this year I can hardly wait to photograph them and share.
The daffodils are almost gone but some I planted late will kick in by next week.
Enjoying my visit with my childhood friend and we had a wonderful time this week, time flew by and I imagine this week will as well. Will be sorry to see her go.
Posted by
9:32 PM
Labels: birthday, daffoils, photograph, plants, rain, year, younger
Friday, April 4, 2008
I know I am always complaining about no rain but why do we have to have severe storms coming in when I have a 150 mile round trip to the airport to pick up my friend that is flying in from Michigan tomorrow night.. Saturday night traffic, every loony on earth will be out driving like there is no tomorrow!!
Maybe it will speed up and be gone before 7 PM and the trip will go OK.
I once again have house-maids knees. But that breakfast nook looks great.. New table cloth, floor spotless and me sore from trying to squeeze through a one foot opening to get under the table and the benches, all built in.. My sister was laughing pretty hard Thursday evening when I described my ordeal of scrubbing the floor. No photos on this one.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Rain and sun makes for interesting weather
I remember Grandma always saying, rain and sun shining would mean bad storms. Well I do believe it is time to batten down the hatches. We've been receiving some of the rain and my flowers are really coming along in happy fashion!
My Azalea bush will bloom for my birthday, so I know everything is on time this year. I know the blooms won't be as full and beautiful as last year, due to the beetles that attacked last year.
I am anxiously awaiting Saturday evening, my friend I grew up with will arrive for a long over due two week visit. All I can say is, "Northeast North Carolina" will never be the same! News must travel fast, because so far I have received phone calls from my oldest brother, my friends, boyfriend and if I see my sons phone number come up, I am NOT answering the phone. I already received a lecture on being out at my age after dark. I do believe I gave a similar lecture 30 some years ago..
Trixie is on her way to New Jersey. I hope she arrives safe and sound!
My birthday wish is:*************************!!
Posted by
10:43 AM
Labels: age, azalea, beautiful, beauty bush, birthday, blooms, boy friend., brother, dark, new jersey, north carolina, northeast, phone, rain, weather, wish
Friday, March 28, 2008
I am so Happy, again!!
I was just in checking on the post to Helium, the hardest one to write, but doctors orders are doctors orders. The great part about it is not the story, but, I finally received ranking today. I HAVE A STAR... So I am happy!! I really got a laugh from another story that I read. The women said when found herself in severe pain, that all of a sudden she was surrounded by a bunch of guys that looked like guys from a chip and dale show!!!WHOOO HOOO and here she was in blue thermals full of holes!!! I know that feeling.. Always would happen when hubby needed 911...
Beautiful here again today, but desperate for rain!!!
Posted by
10:43 AM
Labels: 911, happy, helium, post, rain, star, story ranking, thermals holes beautiful
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
New Pretties today
I found a new flower today that I forgot I had planted. It is a miniature Iris, Dutch Iris, and it was hiding behind a clump of miniature daffodils. WOW! What beautiful color for such a little plant. Now I know what they mean by good things come in small packages..
I also finished the keepsake box top today of Trixie, the beagle, and still have two coats of polyurathane to go before I get to put it on the box and ship it.. Will post a picture of Trixie finished..
Posted by
8:15 PM
Labels: beautiful, boxes, finished, flowers, found, hiding clump daffodils, lush color, New Year, small, today
Monday, March 24, 2008
Trixie--half done
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Spring has sprung!
The flowers know it is spring and have arrived in brilliant yellows, pinks, blues, lavenders and purples.
The bulbs so lovingly planted the day after Christmas, have met my expectations. I can enjoy this beautiful view any time day or night from my kitchen window. Makes me almost feel like I should do dishes or some thing like that.
They will look so pretty Sunday for Easter!
I would imagine the daffodils will really show up tomorrow night for full moon.
Happy first day of spring.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Just to share something special!
I'm not sure where this came from but I really like it and would like to share it with you. Just thoughts that meander through my mind!! As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't suppose to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You will break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. |
I await with !!
Oh they are trying ever so hard to push through and arise with all the glory and beauty that spring can offer!! All this rain has really stirred my flowers and they are coming a long great. I picked my first batch yesterday and the smell of double daffodils waft through the air all night long. I still fear for my "Kiss Me Over the Garden Gates" for I'm sure we are not done with frost yet! They come up from seed and believe me they are up in abundance this year. I shall watch ever so close and if necessary, tuck them in at night should a cold spell hit. We are at 66 degrees this morning with rain heavy at times. I'm loving it. If you have never grown flowers in sand during a drought, then you wouldn't understand how my heart soars when I see the beautiful blooms! This I can say proudly since you can all enjoy the photos that I post.
I am going to once again this year attempt to grow Moon flowers, it has been a few years since I last grew them. My friend has also promised me some of her "Red Hot Poker" plants.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Giving me fits
Trying to work on the beagle for one of the keepsake boxes. It took me four hours to do those beautiful, sad eyes. I had to put my brushes down and walk away after that. Started back working on it today any first thing, a spot of paint got too near the right eye. "Bummer"!!! So then I went to the wood working shop only to find, I have a leak in my roof. Maybe I should just hang it up for today.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Janie and berry picking time.
Janie is having the time of her life in the Mulberry tree and raspberry patch.
Well, didn't you ever have a bratty little brother....
Of coarse you can also just check out the blidget right side of my blog. Click on the story line for full view..
Posted by
2:32 PM
Labels: arrived, blidget, cedar tree, janie, michigan, mulberry, patch, raspberrry, summertime, wild life
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Vote for me!! Please
Rate My Photo, Click Here
"Can You See Me"
Won editors choice.
So Happy
Posted by
5:58 PM
Labels: choice, editors, happy, pleased, three wonderful, vote
Spring Cleaning
I started my spring cleaning today, it seem like I just did fall cleaning. I started with my house plants and they are a little upset with me. It was 31 degrees when I sat them on the back porch (in the sun) and really flushed them with water. After that I put them back inside and found them new spots. I think I may have upset a couple little spiders doing all this. Oh well, better the spiders than me!!
The robins received a treat this morning. The bird bath was frozen so I put some hot water in it and they thought they had their own private sauna.. The water that was draining off the porch from the plants they enjoyed as well.. I stood inside the kitchen window and watched them play.. Also a hawk made off with a black bird. I may not really like all the black birds that hog the feeder, but I didn't like to see death in my back yard either..
Yah, I know, I'm just an old softy when it comes to the wild life. I think the fox that goes through my back yard may have had a romantic encounter. She is looking a bit chubby, if you know what I mean..
Time to get back to my writing, Janie is waiting anxiously to be released.
Posted by
5:21 PM
Labels: cleaning, Eagle.snow spring, fox, happy birds spring female male love nature, hawk, janie, robins, sauna, wild life, writing
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Why Not!!
A friend of mine was rather impressed with the "Janie" stories and said when I get through with "Janie" and her mischief, that she would gladly illustrate the book if I would consider doing a book.
Now I ask you, is that the face of an angel, or is the halo just a bit tilted??
This is "Janie" age six.
I know it is still February, but my plants are really getting anxious and some are in bloom, others that shouldn't peek out yet, have..
Of coarse, I am anxious as well, every morning I go out and check to see how they are doing and give them a few words of encouragement.. Yes, I do talk to them!!
We've had some very wonderful rain, very much needed may I add.. I spend a good deal of the day outside, but today it is cold and blah, so I shall do some writing..
Thursday, February 21, 2008
And so is Sylvia, Happy!!!!!!!
This has been a very happy day for Sylvia and also her Janie... An e-mail came from Helium and I will put in quotes what it said...
"Hi Sylvia,
I am the new subchannel steward for Memoirs. I just finished reading your memoir about remembering your grandpa
Janie... Wow she will remember this all her life even at age three.
Thanks for writing this wonderful story.
Yours, Cyn"
So Sylvia is so happy and pleased that she finally received recognition.. I think I forwarded to everyone I knew!!! In fact I know I did!!!
Posted by
7:55 PM
Labels: age, grandpa, happy, janie, memoirs, pleased, reading, recognition, remembering, story, three wonderful
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Janie is really happy
Well Janie had a really wonderful birthday, you may check it out on the Helium Blidget right here or you may go to
I shall also insert a picture of Janie on that special day.
I hope you enjoy and don't forget to rate "Janie"...
Posted by
1:46 PM
Labels: birthday, celebrated, day, enjoy, helium, janie, picture, special
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Keeping up with Janie!
Janie is having so much fun on Helium. She is three years old.
In a day or two I hope to have another adventure with Janie at age three.
Been a little (actually a lot) under the weather. But Dr. said I would live.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Oh what fun!!
Earlier this week I was awakened about 2:00 A.M. feeling extremely cold. I finally slipped out from under my covers and raced to start the gas wall heater, it was really cold that night. I then went to adjust the thermostat and nothing happened, so I tried again. My furnace would not come on. I was so cold that I couldn't think straight. Finally I went to the kitchen and turned on all four burners hoping for more heat. Boy did I get it fast. There were two small and I do mean tiny spots of grease on one burner, and that is all it took. That little tiny itsy bitsy amount of smoke set off both smoke detectors immediately, if not sooner. No fire, just a little puff of smoke. I rushed to the first one waving my arms frantically telling it to shut up. Then to the other one doing the same thing. Now that one would stop-start-stop-start and in between I was turning on fans. I finally got the smoke detectors to stop, and believe me there is nothing to put you in fear faster than that sound at 2:30 in the morning.
Finally I was able to think sanely again and I knew the furnace had pulled that trick before. About three years ago I remembered that I had to flip the breaker switch off and then back on. That did it and so off went the stove burners, gas heater and after adjusting the thermostat I crawled back under the covers. A shame there wasn't a video, because I am sure that would have won first place with honors as well.
Posted by
7:10 PM
Labels: cold, detectors, fear sound, fire, frantically, morning, smoke, thermostat
Finally Back to Writing
It feels so good to finally be back writing. I posted one last night and one this morning. Helium is where you will find me but you can check my blidget out right here as well. Here are the URL's for the last two.
Please keep watching because the next one I'm working on is under the creative writing
Humor: Giving Birth
If I pull that off I think I shall deserve a medal!!! I know what I want to say I just have to come up with 400 words.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Today it is 70 degrees and two days ago it was 30 degrees.
I think we need to talk to whoever is in charge of the weather.
I should be outside playing in the dirt, but am expecting company so I better restrain myself for a while. Now that I stop and think about it, maybe they are outside enjoying this weather.
I still have about 100 bulbs that need to go in the ground, and today would be perfect.
I've had a few comments from my Yuwie friends about my Blidgets. I think the best one was, "What is a Blidget?"
I believe the easiest way to describe it is -- a widget for displaying your blog.
Posted by
2:46 PM
Labels: blog, degrees, dirt. bulbs, ground Yuwie, weather, widget
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Another Blidget
As you can see, I did the blidget for Helium now to figure out Yuwie!!
Hey, this is so much fun.
My Blidget for my blog.
As you can see I've been playing again. WELL!!! Do you like my Blidget?? I think it's rather neat.
I'm going to attempt to make one for My Helium and Yuwie.
Go ahead, grab it, I would like that..
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Learned some thing new today, it is called linky and is used on your Yuwie comments or messages. It is down loaded on your Mozilla
Firefox browser.
There is a blog on it on Yuwie:
It shows you how to speed up your messages and comments.
I did over half my friends with a message in a couple hours.
Half of them probably fainted since I've been a little negligent in my messaging for a couple months. But I did have a good reason.
I printed off the sheet after listening to the video and then went to work.
Don't forget you can still sign up under me at:
Our cold spell is easing up some so I just may get a few more bulbs planted.