Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Playing in the dirt
I received over 500 bulbs a few days ago and here it is December. It is now raining and is to be fairly nice after. Therefore I think I shall go play in the dirt. It will give me something to look forward to when once again Spring will arrive and all the beauty that lays dormant will arise.
Hopefully I will be able to share some wonderful photos with you.
I am also trying my Mom's trick of trying to get roses to root from some recent bouquets I received. I'm not sure if it will work, since these are hot house roses. I've never tried it but I will let you know if it works. There are six different varieties that I will be hoping will sprout roots.
In the mean time I wish all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Monday, December 3, 2007
There is still time.
If you haven't checked out my web-site lately, there is still time to get a nice wood etched box for that special someone, or a pretty original painting.
I do hope your Holidays are happy and prosperous.
Posted by
10:22 AM
Labels: boxes, etched, happy, holidays, original, paintinting, prosperous, wood
Saturday, December 1, 2007
My beloved Calvin
One month ago we were told that Calvin had a very large brain tumor in the lower right lobe, it was so very near the spinal cord fluid that he had maybe 2 hours to live.
He went through brain surgery and like the wonderful loving person he has always been, came through with a smile on his face. He spent 3 weeks in ICU, went through a ton of tests, and finally they found the evil cancer hiding in his upper right lung. It was already attacking the liver as well.
He came home on Tuesday with the prognosis of 2 weeks to 2 months. He is very weak but oh so very happy that I kept my promise to bring him home. He is on hospice and being so cooperative.
I have found a new strength since he came home and find his love for me is stronger as mine is for him.
There has been many prayers for both from all around the world. We still need your prayers and do appreciate every one for this kindness.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
November WWAO art show
The November art show is now up and running, with a very nice slide show, as well.
This show runs from November 1st through November 30th. There are 26 artists featured.
I hope you will all stop by and check this site out.
Posted by
12:41 PM
Labels: November, show, slide show, WWAO
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
WOW am I going!!
I was just in to check things out again on my Yuwie site and in 4 days I have over a 1000+ page views and reviews plus 100+ friends. This thing just might work.. I'm going to keep on trying and I'll keep you updated on my progress.. I have my first 3 referrals and working on my second level as well..
Monday, October 8, 2007
Happy Birthday Darling!!
Hubby is now three quarters of a century.. I was so nervous because I knew he wasn't feeling good. The scanner all of a sudden got really busy and in a matter of 2 hours, 4 people from 69 to 91 were in bad shape, they were dropping like flies to put it mildly.. I don't know what is going on in this area, but I made hubby lay down and rest and turned the blasted scanner OFF!! He's better now.. We are still hot and humid here but no rain..
I found a new social group that actually pays you to be on their site and it is all free. You make money by getting friends and viewing others pages.. Here is the URL:
I just got started yesterday and am starting on my second level. They use PayPal to pay on the 15th of the month. Check it out, you might just like it...
Friday, September 21, 2007
Due to the storm, to be named Jerry, crossing Florida we received rain for 2 days. Part of the storm escaped and came to visit NE NC and are we ever thankful for that. The temps have lowered and sleeping has been peaceful. But there was a draw back, the rain saturated the phone box and knocked my ringer out. So I get e-mails saying "Call Me" .... The grass is starting to turn green again and will probably be back to normal by Sunday. We have another day of rain to go... The Ginger Lilies are happy and the birds are eating worms again. I guess all is right and I'm waiting patiently to call Michigan, for my brother is under going major surgery today. All prayers will be appreciated..
Posted by
4:19 PM
Labels: Ginger lilies, peaceful, prayers, rain, storm, surgery, worms
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
New friend
I am proud to announce that I have a new friend.
On you ask people to be your friend as in art, memories all the different groups. Well we have a few of the people running for president in the group and so I decided to see who would bother to check and accept your friendship. I got my one and only reply today, and based on that, I realized that if his group bothered to answer then they did care about the people.. Well Rudy, you passed and I am so proud that you did, it makes my choice simple now..
He was on my list of people that had the right qualifications..
Posted by
7:08 PM
Labels: art, Eons, friend, groups, presidential, qualifications
Sunday, September 16, 2007
September WWAO online art exhibit
I thought I had posted the September art exhibit for WWAO but upon rereading my posts I did not post. So here it is:
All works are offered for sale. Contact information for each artist is available on Sharon Shubert's web-site. She is the first to host an online exhibit for WWAO
This exhibit runs from:
September 1st through the 30th 2007.
Please visit, vote and sign guest book.. Thank-you
Posted by
11:10 AM
Labels: art, contact, exhibit, guest-book, information, post, September, WWAO
October art exhibit
I'm not missing this one. The first art exhibit online for WWAO is still running and will till September 30th 2007.
We are all getting ready for the 2nd exhibit, October 1st through October 31st.
Each will be hosted by a different member.
Last month I had so much trouble trying to resize my photo that I completely reduced it to cyber space and lost it completely. I have studied more about pixels/inches and finally got it right.
My pretty white fawn that a few ladies named "Princess Outlaw" is my choice. The reason they named her after us was because I painted 4 paintings of Princess Outlaw.
I will be putting the information here and on Eons as I did for the first show. That was a real trip, due to what I believe were a few jealous men. What they didn't realize was that the more they posted the more the others seen the post and the first day over 1500 people visited. Bless men they can be more helpful than they realize by protesting.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Movin' on up
Good news from again. The manager of the group "Sand Country Gardening" was unable to continue with his duties so I am now manager. The major portion of my flowers are grown in sand with a little help from Miracle grow slow release in the spring and help from Mother Nature. We received a little rain thanks to hurricane Humbarto coming to see us compliments of Texas and a front coming down from the North...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Why do they change??
I'm adding 2 photos today, one of my Mums which were white when I planted them, and are now a rust color. I know we are in a drought here, or maybe they got sunburned.
The other is, depending on what part of the country you are in, a Beauty bush or Seatic Berry Bush. I started that in 1999 from a stem from the original bush that was at hubbies home place. It took three years to get it growing and on the 4th year a few berries. Hubby is so happy this year to see it lush and full.
Posted by
11:12 AM
Labels: beauty bush, bush, country, home, lush color, mums, original, photos
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tropical storm "Wimpy"
As you know NE North Carolina has been in a drought this year, actually several years, and we were due to get dumped on this week-end from a tropical storm. HA-HA that was the biggest wimp I've ever seen. We had four rain clouds with approximately 1 minute of rain in each one. Less than 1/16th of an inch. So back to a little water to keep the plants alive.
If all goes well I should have a new picture tomorrow. Till then..
Posted by
7:28 PM
Labels: drought, inch, pictures, rain Calla, storm, tropical, week-end, wimp
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
John Wayne
Today we were asked to list our favorite person on Squidoo and lo and behold I am the proud owner of John Wayne.. My Hero, because he always made things right for America.
Posted by
5:27 PM
Labels: America, hero, JohnWayne, person, right favorite
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Please vote
Not for presidential people but for my photo, "can you see me".. I have been accepted and now I need any and all votes.. I won't promise to lower taxes or make you rich, the only thing I can promise is that you will make me very happy..
Posted by
2:20 PM
Labels: happy, people, photos, presidential, rich, taxes, votes
Friday, August 17, 2007
Recognition Finally!!
I have been really, finally enjoying myself. I joined (BOOM BOOM BOOM) and have received more recognition in 2 weeks than in 4 years of trying to get my original art and photos noticed.
I was also asked to be moderator of the WWAO group (Worldwide Women Artists Online.) It is a private group for we ladies that are 49+. But there are so many groups to join and meet new people. They have even started an art gallery for all artists.
There is also the regular WWAO which is for any age lady.
My yellow Calla Lily "Can you see me" made a very big hit. Everyone was looking for me instead of realizing I was being funny, as due to the bright yellow of the flower.
I have received several badges already, wrote a tribute to my Grand-Dad Sheldon, and try to put my 2 cents worth in on several subjects as well.
I have accrued 44 friends and am in 17 groups.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Yellow Calla Lily
I just discovered today that has items for sale featuring my yellow calla lily. If you go to their web-site you can put my name in their search box and it will show you the different items that will be for sale. I decided today to order a couple mouse pads for gifts. Sooooo if you are one of the people that love calla lilies you might want to check it out. They also have my Weird Brown-eyed Susan listed too. I guess I didn't say, I will be featured in the book best of photos and photographers for 2007. I am very pleased about the recognition.
I believe you start the search with Outlaw and then you get a list then you see Me, Sylvia Outlaw, listed twice, the 1st is from last year, the 2nd is the calla lily. Since Christmas isn't too far off, you might wish to do some early shopping.
It finally rained here for a short period, but at this point anything is welcome.
I have been a little tied up lately, doing so research for WWAO and also enjoying the new friends on You know 50+ Boom Boom Boom.......They have an art gallery plus all types of groups to be in and speak you mind or at least try, and as they say it does help the ol' grey cells....
Posted by
6:46 PM
Labels: 2007, choose, Christmas, Lily, photographers, photos, rain Calla, yellow
Sunday, July 15, 2007
More Lilies
I am soooo enjoying all my lilies this year. They are bigger and More beautiful this year. Enjoy the pictures and don't forget you can get note cards on my web-site:
Posted by
6:20 PM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
They didn't get my Lilies
My beautiful lilies are in full bloom, and due to my watchful eye on the beetles and a little extra water, the hot humid air is refreshing from the perfume of the orchid lilies this morning. I dashed out and took a few pictures and even got one of my "Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate" before it got too hot.
Posted by
11:44 AM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Japanese azaleas vs Japanese beetles
Oh my, my beautiful azaleas were attacked by Japanese beetles during this hot dry spell and they also seem to love "Kiss me over the garden gates as well"..I've spent the last week standing guard and pinching beetles left and right..Today was the first day that none were seen.
I would also like to mention a very wonderful fine art printer, you may check the work out at:
I am so impressed with the high quality of his work..
Enjoy your freedom in other words Happy Fourth of July to all..
Posted by
6:32 PM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Can you see me
Still no rain, but I couldn't bare to see my beautiful lily not flower. It did and it is the most brilliant yellow I have ever seen. My yellow Calla lily. Hope you enjoy the beauty of nature.
Posted by
2:14 PM
Monday, May 7, 2007
What do you see??
When I finished this painting, my husband looked at it for about 15 min. and then stated, " you will have to name it Ghost falls". So it was named. Then several months later my friend was looking at it and stated that she saw two horses running though the water. And so it goes. Now everyone is trying to find something else in the picture.. So check it out and see what you see.. Enjoy!!
Posted by
7:53 PM
Labels: friend, ghosts, horses, painting, picture, water, water falls
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Breath-taking Beauty
Spring has sprung-- and you can view it at:
This lens was created and designed by KKC Bauder, you may recognize the name from an earlier post on Phoophie Tales (which by the way just won another award). She has the ladies from WWAO doing digital flowers and believe me you just have to visit and see all the beauty for yourself..The lens is already ranked number 27th in Art & Literature.. WOW I must correct my last statement---RANKED 17th I just checked...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
One of the ladies from WWAO just returned from a ghost hunting trip in New Orleans. She has some rather interesting pictures from her trip on her new lens on Squidoo.
Let me warn you right now, as I was viewing this lens, strange things were happening. My mouse, started scrolling by itself, I tried to vote and it would not let me, so I decided to leave a comment, and then my vote, not the one I had voted on, came up as if I had just voted for that question. And then every other letter in my comment was missing. It took three tries to get it in properly.. I imagine it was my ghost being jealous for viewing someone's ghosts other than mine.. Thousands won't believe it but it's a fact just the same...
Posted by
1:52 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Northern Lights
Just did my first digital painting. Hey!! I don't have any paint on me... It was actually fun. I had tried other programs and everything turned out in squares. I love this program and will spend more time getting it down pat.. It's been a long time since I had seen the Northern Lights, but can still remember that I was afraid of these strange lights in the late summer sky. You ask, "How long ago?" Lets just say the reason I seen them was because the farm had an outhouse, and that was one long path to get to it. Owls hooting, strange lights in the sky, believe me I could really run fast.. If you wish to make comments, you can at the bottom..
Now, my Bonsai project, I have several branches wired and a lot of prickers in my fingers.. Still have several branches and some trimming to do.. Then you will see the picture..
Posted by
7:37 AM
Labels: digital, farm. Bonsai, fun, northern lights, owls, painting, picture, summer
Monday, March 19, 2007
WWAO by media
The ladies of Worldwide Women Artists Online have been busy as spring bees. Building blogs, making lenses and doing what we do best, CREATE.. One of the Squidoo lenses that is interesting is the:
I hope you will all stop by and check out some of the beautiful creations... We are listed by media, our web-sites and a short sentence on our art... I know you will find it very enjoyable...
Posted by
2:57 PM
Labels: art, blogs, enjoy, media, spring, squidoo lenes, WWAO
Friday, February 16, 2007
People that know me or have read about me know that several of my creations have came from dreams... Right now someone is saying, "Oh-Oh Sylvia had a dream".. Yes I did!!
I have had three red Japanese Maples for almost two years, protecting, watering, and they are still so very small an vulnerable. Then it came to me. I seen that they wanted to become a beautiful Bonsai tree..
I can hardly contain myself, either that or I have a bad case of spring fever. I have a bit of studying to do, but the design is in my head...
I promise I will put a picture in just as soon as I get it started...
Ahhh!!!! I said spring was just around the corner, and right now I know the people in the Northeast can't see it for all the snow...But trust me, all the signs are there... This morning a beautiful Blue bird was setting on the Eagles head at the end of my flag pole...Oh where Oh where is my camera when I need it... I did get a good picture of my husbands Shamrock plant... It produced eight stalks of flowers for Valentines day...WOW!!! Now how is that for getting flowers and never leaving the house...
Posted by
7:17 PM
Labels: Blue bird, Bonsai, Eagle.snow spring, Japanese, maple, plant, shamrock
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Spring is in the air
I know, right now, so many people feel like spring will never get here.
Good news.
The mocking birds are courting, so spring won't be far.
Since I love nature so much, I was touched by the
male so tenderly, and almost shyly, pecking at the
female. She, very coyly, backed up a few steps and
then waited for him to make his next move.
Ah love in the spring.
I know you are wondering why this makes me
so happy. Because after the neighbors cat killed the
female mocking bird, and then listening to the male
set there and cry, I was heart broken. I managed to
do my best "Pretty bird" impression while my husband
slipped over and removed the deceased female. I did
distract him and for almost a year now, whenever I
stepped into the backyard the male would chat at
me. So I would do my best to keep him talkative.
Believe me his tone changed completely whenever
my husband appeared. Now you know why two
people are happy and we also have a happy
pair of mocking birds!!
Posted by
4:32 PM