Monday, January 7, 2008


Today it is 70 degrees and two days ago it was 30 degrees.
I think we need to talk to whoever is in charge of the weather.
I should be outside playing in the dirt, but am expecting company so I better restrain myself for a while. Now that I stop and think about it, maybe they are outside enjoying this weather.
I still have about 100 bulbs that need to go in the ground, and today would be perfect.
I've had a few comments from my Yuwie friends about my Blidgets. I think the best one was, "What is a Blidget?"
I believe the easiest way to describe it is -- a widget for displaying your blog.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sylvia's Site

Sylvia's Site

Another Blidget

As you can see, I did the blidget for Helium now to figure out Yuwie!!
Hey, this is so much fun.

My Blidget for my blog.

As you can see I've been playing again. WELL!!! Do you like my Blidget?? I think it's rather neat.
I'm going to attempt to make one for My Helium and Yuwie.
Go ahead, grab it, I would like that..

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Learned some thing new today, it is called linky and is used on your Yuwie comments or messages. It is down loaded on your Mozilla
Firefox browser.
There is a blog on it on Yuwie:
It shows you how to speed up your messages and comments.
I did over half my friends with a message in a couple hours.
Half of them probably fainted since I've been a little negligent in my messaging for a couple months. But I did have a good reason.
I printed off the sheet after listening to the video and then went to work.

Don't forget you can still sign up under me at:

Our cold spell is easing up some so I just may get a few more bulbs planted.